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Cross Bedding: A Relaxed Approach With Silo Structure

The best crossbedding you'll ever see Mountain Beltway AGU Blogosphere
The best crossbedding you'll ever see Mountain Beltway AGU Blogosphere from blogs.agu.org


Cross bedding is a popular theme in interior decoration that is all about creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. This design approach is characterized by its simple and clean lines, natural materials, and soft, muted colors that create a calming atmosphere. In this article, we will explore different ways in which you can incorporate cross bedding into your home, with a focus on the SILO structure.

Cross Bedding

Color Scheme

The color scheme for a cross bedding theme is typically muted and neutral, with soft shades of beige, cream, gray, and white. These colors create a calming and serene atmosphere, which is perfect for a bedroom or living room. To add a pop of color, you can incorporate small accents of pastel hues or earthy tones like green or brown. These colors complement the natural materials used in cross bedding, such as wood and stone.

Cross Bedding Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in a cross bedding room, less is more. Keep the space uncluttered and free of unnecessary items. Choose furniture pieces that are simple and functional, such as a low platform bed or a sleek sofa. Place the furniture in a way that allows for natural flow and movement around the room, and avoid blocking windows or doorways. Use area rugs and decorative pillows to add warmth and texture to the space.

Cross Bedding Furniture Placement


Lighting is an important aspect of cross bedding design, as it can greatly affect the mood and ambiance of a room. Use soft, diffused lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Avoid harsh overhead lighting and opt for floor lamps or table lamps instead. Use dimmer switches to adjust the lighting according to the time of day and your mood.

Cross Bedding Lighting

Natural Materials

Natural materials like wood, stone, and linen are a hallmark of cross bedding design. Use these materials to add texture and warmth to your space. Incorporate wooden furniture pieces like a bedframe or dresser, or use a stone accent wall to create a focal point in the room. Use linen or cotton bedding to create a cozy and comfortable sleeping space.

Cross Bedding Natural Materials


Accessories are an important aspect of any design theme, and cross bedding is no exception. Use accessories like decorative pillows and throws to add color and texture to your space. Add a few potted plants to bring a touch of nature indoors. Use woven baskets to store extra blankets or magazines, and add a few scented candles to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Cross Bedding Accessories


Cross bedding is a design approach that emphasizes simplicity, natural materials, and muted colors to create a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere. By incorporating these elements into your home, you can create a space that is both inviting and serene. Use these tips to create your own cross bedding oasis, and enjoy the benefits of a calm and peaceful living space.

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